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The Illuminati is a group that practices a form of faith known as "enlightenment". It is Luciferian, and they teach their followers that their roots go back to the ancient mystery religions of Babylon, Egypt, and Celtic druidism. They have taken what they consider the "best" of each, the foundational practices, and joined them together into a strongly occult discipline. Many groups at the local level worship ancient deities such as "El", "Baal", and "Ashtarte", as well as "Isis and Osiris" and "Set".

Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University and former Jesuit, formed and founded a secret society called the Order of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776, in Bavaria, within the existing Masonic lodges of Germany. Since Masonry is itself a secret society, the Illuminati was a secret society within a secret society, a mystery inside a mystery.

They're all around us. Secret conspiracies are everywhere,
and where can you find the only truth?
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Greetings Since the Illuminati's first oaths or the utterance of our vows as humanity's protectors, our organization has advocated for the ultimate goal of a globalist Earth. Our vision for the future is a unified planet. Dear Influential Individual, We are happy that your life's journey has led you to discover our organization. Maybe you have met one of our members in the flesh. Or perhaps not; we value anonymity. We see and know all just as a shepherd sees and knows all of the flock, our eyes peering over the masses to identify any threat to the survival of the human species. We are the bringers of new dawns, the guardians of the human species. We are the Pyramid, the Eye, the Light, the Eternal Circle. We are the Illuminati. for new age is upon us, fear not you are not alone, for proper direction on how to join the great illuminati brotherhood and how to enjoy the abundant blessings of thy most high/ mankind feel free to contact me via whatsapp Yours Sincerely, Emeritus Chantel Wise Jay Contact